How to display Dynamic Range rating in Foobar2000
Download and install the DR component from here
In foobars advanced settings under tools-dynamic range meter, tick write DR meta data tags
In preferences under Media Library- Album list enter the following in the album/artist box to show bit depth, sample rate and dynamic range next to the album, or add a new one to keep the original untouched:
[%album artist% – ][%album%][ [%__bitspersample%-][%__samplerate%]][ DR%ALBUM DYNAMIC RANGE%]|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% – ]%title%
Add a new box, label it DR and enter this:
[DR%ALBUM DYNAMIC RANGE% ][%album artist% – ][%album%][ [%__bitspersample%-][%__samplerate%]]|[[%discnumber%.]%tracknumber%. ][%track artist% – ]%title%
This will enable you, after you have scanned all of your albums, to sort them like this:
Next configure your playlist view-custom columns like this:
Then right click over the playlist bar, under columns tick DR and the DR of each track will be shown in the playlist:
Very useful!
many thanks 🙂
I would like to know how to obtaain DR info from CDs. Info should be in copyboard but when I try to paste it there is no info. And why I cannot see DR values of each songs even DR is in column? Is there some path I should write?
Thanks a lot.
Make sure you have enabled “Write meta data” under Preferences>Advanced>Tools>Dynamic range meter.
There is also a versions of the DR meter that gives blank results, try uninstalling and using the link to the DR meter in the post.
Thanks, but what the post are you meaning?
This link, as provided above.
As mentioned other versions don’t seem to work.
thanks for this!
[…] net. Try this, it should work.… explanation: How to display Dynamic Range rating in Foobar2000 System (in small home office): GIK Acoustics Room Treatments>Tranquil Fanless PC with […]
Great post edd9000!
Made me understand a little more about Foobar tags =)
[…] a little experiment. I downloaded a plug-in for the free Foobar 2000 digital audio player that reports on the dynamic range of a track or album. In case you don’t know the phrase, it refers to the contrast between the quietest and […]
Hi nice, post.
It is possible to do it also for FLAC files? Because its seem that ist only work with MP3. Thnaks in advance
It works fine for flac files, I only have flac in the library used for this tutorial.
thx, interesting…
It also work with ALAC, but still in case of FLAC is not possible to write results to metadata. Do you have some special metadata plugin? Or are there some (hidden) metadata setting for FLAC?
No, nothing extra, perhaps some of your files are read only?
Yes, you was right, it was problem with read only access.
Thanks for hel and also for this perfect post.
I’ve gone through this a few times but all I get in the playlist column is “?”
Where does this plugin write the DR meta data tags? Does it alter my files?
I believe it just adds a DR tag in the metadata, so it will alter the files if metadata writing is enabled.
Hi there,
Thank you so much for this post!
I got the plugin working, but have troubles visualizing the DR column in the playlist UI element.
I made the column and added the code to it, but no ‘results’ show… I can manually scan every track for DR though, so the application is working, but seeing the results in a column would be the best way to use this, by far!
Any help on this? Would be highly appriciated.
Kind regards
Nevermind, I figured it out:
1. Also add the same line of code and make a ‘DR’ custom column in the ‘playlist view’ preference menu.
2. Then scan every track in the Library -> Albumlist view by selecting ‘All music (n)’ right click it and select ‘dynamic range meter’. Then every track gets scanned and it will show in the playlist column you made in the previous step.
Again, many thanks for sharing this great feature!
Glad you figured it out.
I am confused as to how to get the per track dr to display in the playlist columns. The data is clearly being tagged per track in the progress bar but it only seems to accept a per album tag in the columns which is largely useless for telling the difference between the dr of one mix or another on the same album. I cannot figure out what code to use in the dr custom column pattern to achieve this result. any help is greatly appreciated as I have already spent much time searching for solutions on my own and on other sites. Thank you
This component is quite buggy, no longer updated, and not recommended by FB2K devs. What I do instead now is make a custom column called “LUFS” which uses this string:
$if(%replaygain_track_gain%,$puts(l,$sub(-1800,$replace(%replaygain_track_gain%,.,)))$div($get(l),100).$right($get(l),2) dB,)
After you ReplayGain scan the files for peaks, it’ll give you the integrated LUFS readout, which is a far better gauge of perceived loudness than the so called “DR” is, and an internationally used standard measurement, and you can do it all within FB2K natively.
This post is nearly 4 years old now. Thank you for a more up to date method.
Any chance someone can re-upload or link me to the “Playlist” configurtion image? It’s been taken down apparently or is corrupted in this article.
I will fix it when I get the chance.
@ Gregg
this is a good idea, however I fail to understand completely where I can find the readouts. I see a track gain and a track peak and that’s it.
Can you elaborate on how to get this done?
You should add one more tip: right-click on Album-List (in Library) and select Dyanmic Range Meter, then DR Meter scan all music. Thanks a lot for so useful advice. Full Dynamic Range 4ever !!!